Thursday, August 4, 2011

Long time

I know, it's been a long time since I wrote in this journal.

I just didn't see the point in writing. I'm only pointing out the obvious to myself, making myself miserable. No one is going to read this even less will care.

Fibro being seen as a copout really makes you wonder about people. I've heard "But you don't look sick" so often I feel like screaming!

I'm tired, I"m fed up, I'm just not doing so hot right now.

On the other hand, there is a class I'm going to be interviewed for this month. It's offered by McMaster as a free university level class and it's in the humanities department! The name of the class is Voicing Hamilton.

I do hope I get chosen to attend. It would really help me focus on something other than pain and misery and no money and no food and just plain no nothing. Yeah I know, me engish is gud yea? Sometimes, I just don't care how I write. And other days I just beat myself over the head because I'm not using correct spelling, phraseology, yadda yadda yadda..

I'm also going to concentrate on developing more crochet patterns and try and sell them online. Not like I'm going to charge a ton of money for them. 1$ per pattern, yippy! but I figure if I can sell 10 of them at 1$ each as opposed to one of them at 5$ each, I come out ahead by going with the lower price tag. Time will tell if my marketing strategy will work or not. Here's crossing my fingers.