Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday, appointment - new meds

Met up with the counsellor on Tuesday. She seems to be nice and it looks like she's not the preaching kind. I have no patience for those! I know what's wrong with me, I just need help finding solutions to fix what's wrong with me.
I'm looking forward to next week's appointment!
In the meantime, I will be attending the women's group that meets up every friday in the morning over crochet and knitting. I'll see how that works out. Also this weather is not the most encouraging for going out.

Today I had my doctor's appointment.
I'm going on a new med. He's taking me off the Gabapentin as he also noticed I looked puffy.
So now I have to stop taking my beloved amitriptylenes and switch to a second generation in the same family as the amis.
And to hopefully bypass the side effects, he wants me to start on 50 mg instead of the 150 I'm taking now.
This all means that I will not be a happy camper for the next week or so until the new meds have kicked in.
After 3 days, I'm to move up to 100 mg and depending on how effective that is, if it's enough I'll stay at 100 mg if not, I go up to 150 mg. I hope that I don't go downhill too fast. I don't look forward to being in more pain until the new meds kick in. But if they work as well as the amis without the nasty side effects...

He's also given me a letter for transportation which should get me a bus pass! considering the various places I have to go over the month, a bus pass will be welcome.
I think I've almost spent that same amount of money over the last month and a half going to  various appointments! and that was before the counsellor!

Blood pressure is ok, 113 over 79. could be a whole lot worse!

I'll try and log the next few days and track any changes or side effects as I do not want Angelzilla to come out and play!

Today's weather was not fun. Slogging through blowing snow, wind whipping at my face, very frustrating and painful to get around using the city transit system. Wish we could afford a car.

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