Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday morning blegh!

This is one of several mornings now that I wake up feeling nauseous. I have no clue why I feel this way, but it's rather unpleasant to start the day feeling like your stomach wants to empty itself at any moment.
Taking gravol helps, somewhat, but leaves me feeling even groggier than I feel now.
I had a horrible night's sleep. Pain woke me up repeatedly.
Hubster was pissed as usual that I did not take pain meds before going to bed. I have issues with taking pills as a preventative to pain when I don't know for sure if I will have pain! And I sure as heck don't want to become dependent on oxycodone :(
The new med trials seem to be going ok'ish.
Wondering if the nausea is a side effect for these pills....

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