Saturday, December 31, 2011

Update to yesterday's post

Gabapentin is still kicking my butt, but I've begun kicking back. The incredible dozyness has eased up to just a general groggy feeling of my head being filled with cotton and lead weights. No other changes so far, but it's only been 2 days since I began this treatment.

The lesions on my legs look like they've faded to me, but the hubster says they're still the same.

Lesions on lower left leg above ankle December 31, 2011
I'm still in pain. Today it's my back at about bra level.

And now, let's add insult to injury and add the comeback of the rash on my arms! Why the hell not? 

Left arm above wrist December 31, 2011

Right Arm above wrist December 31, 2011

Right Arm above wrist December 31, 2011

I found out today that the hubster is not so confident about me getting trained to calculate insulin dosages because of my problems with numbers and calculations aka dyslexia. I invited him to come along to learn  it too, but the horrified look I got quashed that in a hurry. I'm pretty sure if I write it all out, along with whatever method is used to calculate the dosage, that I can follow it for the next time. And since I'll be doing this every night, I have a feeling that I'll remember how. And if I don't, I can get the nurse to teach me again and when in doubt I can always fall back to my basic dose.

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