Friday, December 30, 2011

New thing

Not a clue as to what is causing this.

I noticed it last night when I went to sit on the couch to continue crocheting. There is no pain associated with the lesions. Cannot figure out what is causing these or if it's just more crap associated with fibro and neuropathy :( These are located above my ankle on the inside of the left leg. I checked my right leg at about the same level and there are only a few vaguely visible spots.

December 29, 2011

December 29, 2011
In other news, Gabapentin is kicking my ass royally.
I took my first dose last night at midnight, crawled into bed at 1 am.
Crawled out of bed at 10 am feeling like I'd been asleep for ever. Everything hurt! joints, muscles, everything! What didn't help is with all that, I was fighting to stay awake, couldn't keep my eyes open and kept dosing off. Great you would think, but not so great when your body won't allow you to lay down and reminds you that it's in pain every few minutes.
I felt like my brain was filled with fuzz and wouldn't think past the next few minutes and most of that was telling me to go to sleep. I ended up sleeping in short naps of a couple of minutes woken up by pain; head lolling on the back of the couch, not good for neck :(
I finally came out of the fuzz around 8 pm tonight. I sure as heck hope that it won't be a repeat of today when I take my next dose tonight :(

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