Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My love for my city

Hammertown, what a city!

I finished my class with Mac (not using actual city name or university name since I don't want traffic to this personal journal) Loved loved loved loved it!!! Graduated Saturday past! Felt amazing to see people actually caring about what we all did. Some of the students in the class did some amazing stuff, but not just project wise, but also in their own confidence and feeling good about who they are.

I am hoping to continue as a student even part time with assistance since I still have 0$ to attend regular classes. I would so love to do this, it would be a dream come true for me. To be able to get a university degree in something that really interests me would simply rock the casbah!

On other fronts: doctor's appointment today.

Rash was on both my arms. Finally! Showed it to my doctor and after poking and prodding it and pinching it and asking questions like does it itch? which of course I don't feel because of the autonomic neuropathy. All I feel is a slight weight pressing on my arm where the rash is located. My doctor concluded that chances are pretty high that it's the autonomic neuropathy that's making my skin do weird things to itself. Goes hand in hand with my skin feeling like it's on fire, or that it's being striped off with a piece of glass or that I'm walking on broken glass or embers. I also love that I get pain messages telling me that my back is being scoured with a brillo pad which hurts! So let's cheer autonomic neuropathy on! One more way to screw with my mind! LOL

On the other hand, blood work results were actually much better than I expected. Considering we're surviving on food bank donations, the quality of the food we're eating is pretty sad. So, numbers... *drum roll* Glucose levels of 3 months came out at .007! .007 is the baseline. Anything below that is perfect. *phew!*

Cholesterol levels were perfect! Optimal numbers for the bad cholesterol should be below 4. Mine were close to 3. Average cholesterol (difference between good and bad) was good as well.

My B12 is still rock bottom. Just had one shot of B12 2 weeks ago, next shot end of this month.
My iron is still rock bottom even though I'm taking pills every day.

My blood pressure on the other hand has gone back up from a dismal 103 over 69 to 123 over 80! Go figure! 0_o

My new meds are not working as well as the old ones. Doctor switched me from amitriptylene to norotriptylene over 2 weeks ago. The switch was to mainly deal with the side effects of insane dry mouth issues. What the noro version doesn't treat apart from the C9 nerve bundle is the migraine control, and mood control. So back to amis I go. I had a whopping migraine sunday that made me want to use a drill to relieve the pressure. I've also noticed that I'm having insane mood swings, 0 to bitch in 5 seconds. My poor husband doesn't like Angelzilla and I don't blame him one bit. I don't like her either! I'm also going from happy to heart broken in tears in about the same amount of time and again, for no known reason. Time to go back to amis :(

Doctor said once these things have stabilised again, he wants me to try another anti depressant and if that works, to slowly switch back to noro since the dry mouth issue would be very much present.

Another change I also noticed in the past 2 weeks is my appetite. I'm hungry all the time. I've gained 5 kilos :( not cool. So that's the last straw for me. I want to go back to amis and stay on them! This noro crap isn't taking care of the problems one bit, and actually creating problems.
In other news....

I'm hoping to collaborate on a new project with J-gal stemming from the free Mac-university class in humanities that just finished last week. It would be in the form of a zine. I hope we get the go ahead for this project as it would be a nice way of keeping in touch and also showing other people what we've done as a group and individually.
I want to stay involved, in whatever capacity I can. I am willing to donate my time, since time is all I have a lot of these days. And it would also keep me busy doing things I love to do. So keeping fingers crossed that we can do this!

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