Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Post Christmas

Yesterday was fantastic. 

Karen and Adrian came (his plans fell through for the day)
Ken was here too for his birthday.

He brought a very special friend with him. A really lovely 3 month old shepperd mix whom he's named Bella after the last dog we owned as a family who was my very special girl. Her temperament is lovely, calm, loving and trusting. Not bad considering my son rescued her from an abusive situation. She adores him and follows him everywhere. She accepted everyone in the apartment as part of her family. 
At one point in the evening while we were eating supper perched on couch, poof or coffee table, she came and laid down on my feet just like my Bella did so long ago. I didn't realise just how thin the skin was over the scar that was left when Bella died until she did that. She will be a wonderful dog for Ken.

The turkey was fantastic! Everyone loved it. :)

Gifts were given all around. I had spent the past 2 days crocheting gifts for everyone. I made star washcloth/dishcloths for Ken, a hand-towel she can button onto the fridge door or wherever else she wants to put it and a star cloth as well. We gave him 10$ cash and also a tiny skull for Ken, the type that you put out a cigarette in? for his birthday. And I ended up making a baby dragon for Adrian. Thankfully everyone loved what they received.

Karen & Ken gave us 2 games and 3 dvds. 

That day wiped me out. I was exhausted by the time everyone left. But it was a good exhausted.

Mind you, I'm paying for it today! I went to my doctor's appointment to get my B12 shot and my doctor switched my meds again since the noro's dismal failure, we're going to try something different. Hope these work.

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