Thursday, December 29, 2011

Here we go again

Saw my doctor December 28, 2011

After some discussion and checking reactions, etc... we're now going to try Gabapentin in coordination with amitriptylenes and hoping that they will take care of the migraines and mood swings so I can eventually get off amis.
  • Blood pressure has bottomed out again. 103 over 69 yea me!
  • Blood work results:
  • my cholesterol as perfect
  • my iron is still rock bottom
  • B12 has climbed slightly
  • glucose average is a bit higher than it was .076 which considering what we've been eating without a choice has raised my blood glucose average Boo! :(
Meeting with the nurse on Tuesday to discuss averaging insulin looking a day ahead to get better tighter control of the blood sugar levels.

Pharmacy has just delivered the new meds.
I'm taking my first pill tonight.
If I have no adverse side effects after a week, I'm to increase to 2 pills per day, 1 at supper, 1 at bedtime. Depending on how sleepy they make me, otherwise I will take the 1 at supper earlier in the day. Time will tell. Just hoping that I don't turn into Angelzilla again. That wasn't fun :(

With going back on amitritylenes, I feel more tired every day, sleep badly at night, hurt more everywhere, getting jabbing pains in various areas of my body and the chest pains have come back, but not as insane as before I started on Tecta. Also means I have to be super careful of what I want to accomplish in a day, otherwise I run out of steam and then I'm done for the nest 2 days... like 2 days ago when my children came to visit and I was cooking turkey, potatoes, carrots, prepping the stuffing, etc... My daughter was helping me thank goodness, but it still wore me right out. Yesterday I was a wreck, this morning I woke up hurting so much I couldn't go back to sleep :( Hoping that I will sleep tonight with the new pill.

The cold weather is not helping in the least. I think I'm also developing a bit of a cold. Sinuses keep filling up and I've begun coughing, but not the same cough I had before I got on Tecta!

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