Monday, December 26, 2011


Christmas turned out to be ok for us.
Despite the lack of money, gifts, etc.. it went quite well.

We were given a turkey by someone whom I met during the McMaster class I took in the fall. I'm saving it for tomorrow since both my kids will be here and my son's birthday is then too.

We still had a ham in the freezer, purchased 2 years ago. The last 2 years either I or husbster were too sick to enjoy food or Christmas. So finally this year, the ham came out, was cooked and eaten and it was delicious!

We also received Christmas presents from Samm and Shay.  All were lovely, appreciated, and thoughtful. :) I hope they both understand how much we appreciated these gifts. Some made us laugh (windup Santa in a ball) and some made us sight with relief since it meant one less thing to buy.

I am glad that I'm back on amis. I don't give a rats arse frack that they lower my blood pressure. I do not want to meet Angelzilla again! That was not good. :(

Rash on my arms is back, well, sorta back. It comes and goes from one hour to the next. Go figure.

Looking forward to tomorrow.

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