Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dec 13th, 2011 - Anniversary

Today is the day that I met my 2nd husband face to face for the first time, 11 years ago.

For those naysayers who say internet meetings and long distance relationships don't work, I say Fie!
They work as long as you are completely honest with each other, don't sugar coat your life and share e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.! without exception.

We were completely honest with each other and shared everything and still do. We have a close connection, an even closer relationship. We complement each other. One without the other does not function well to put it simply. For us, separation equals amputation of the spirit.

I wish this relationship for everyone out there. All those who are still waiting, wondering if their turn will ever come. I waited 39 long years for my turn to come and it was worth all the pain, misery, and abuse. Some have asked me if I could go back, would I change anything? My answer is no! Because changing even the smallest thing might mean that I would risk the chance of never meeting my soul mate.

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