Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nov 3, 2010


Some days i wonder what I was in a previous life. Why is it that it always has to be so bad, that I have to struggle constantly to get anything.  I must have been very bad or something. I just don't get it. Why?

I know everyone has their burdens to bear.
I just feel like they've been piled on a tad thickly in my case.
It never ends.
There's always something or other that happens that sets me back 5 steps when I only managed to go forward by 3. I feel like I'm running a losing race and I don't even understand why. Why me?
It feels like a very evil joke at times. 
Something good is dangled in front of me, just out of reach.
I work hard, do my best and I still fail.
The proverbial brass ring gets yanked out of my hand before I even have a chance to close my fingers around it.
I know there are others out there who say the same thing.
I'm just tired...

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