Thursday, November 18, 2010

November 18, 2010

I keep having memory blanks and it's getting worse.

I can't think of specific words. It's like the storage part of my brain is kicking information out, either words or meaning of words or strings of words like a message, incident, etc...

Today for instance:

I was emailing a friend about a price difference for water between the grocery store and the local .... this is where I drew a blank..... but could think of these words to describe the place: where I get prescriptions filled, buy toilet paper, etc.. but could not for the life of me remember the word "pharmacy". Even now! I had to go look it up again by typing fill prescriptions in google. Once I see the word, I recognise it as the right one.

Last night, I was trying to tell my husband something and the same thing happened with other words. I can't remember what I told him either at this point. Both of them have pointed out more and more that I keep repeating things, messages, information, etc, sometimes 4 or 5 times over the span of several days sometimes in the same day. And each time I do not remember the previous telling.

I find this rather disconcerting and embarrassing and I'm not sure what to do about it. I read a lot so it's not for lack of practice. I have problems remembering if I've seen a show or movie until I actually start skipping through it and recognise some of the scenes or dialogue. And this is where I actually prided myself at being able to tell the plotline of a book I'd read years earlier, same for a show or movie and now I can't even remember if I've seen something I watched the day before, never mind years earlier. :(

I feel like I can't trust myself anymore. I also feel like this is getting on my husband's nerves as well as my daughter's and I honestly don't know what to do about it except stop talking about anything other than what I'm doing at that moment for fear that I'll be repeating myself again for the umpteenth time that day! :(

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