Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Medication I take

 I take medication for the various diseases I suffer from on a daily basis.

  • inject 60 units of Humulin N insulin at bedtime
  • 1000 miligrams of  Metformin at bedtime & at breakfast (4 pills total)

  • 3 gelcaps of a generic Stool softener
  • 1 tbsp of metamucil powder in an 8 oz glass of water in the morning
  • 1 tsp of metamucil powder in an 8 oz glass of water before bed
Fibromyalgia & Neuropathy
  • 125 to 150 mg of amitriptylene before bedtime (12 to 15 10 mg tablets) *depends on how bad the pain is*

1 baby aspirin to keep the blood moving

2 to 4 Tums before bed since the pile of pills gives my stomach problems.

So on a good night I'm taking 18 pills plus 2 tums chewables ugh

Not bad for someone who's hated taking pills throughout my life.
I still hate pills, still hate taking them but I can't live with the alternative consequences if I don't take them. Pain will not master me, I will master pain and whatever else comes along.

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