Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 30, 2010

Somewhere along the way I lost the 29th.

I slept horribly last night. Dreams, nightmares, pain kept waking me up.
Stupid bladder was not helping either.
Hubby suggested I take Gravol to get me to at least fall asleep decently.

I keep getting jabs of pain in my thigh same as my upper arm, like I'm getting a shot. Sharp pain that dulls down to burning. Would be ok if it was once. but repeatedly, not fun.

I'm trying to keep up with dishes, cooking simple meals, picking up what I can when I go from 1 room to the other. I figure since I"m getting up to do something, may as well bring something with me that belongs in the other room I'm heading for and vise versa.

Trying the gravol route again tonight. Took 6, let's see if it works.

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