Saturday, October 23, 2010

October 23, 2010

Saturday already come and gone.
Wish the pain had done the same.

I didn't go and get milk, I didn't go get groceries, I stayed home hoping I'd feel well enough to have a decent day. Got the dirty clothes together to do laundry but someone was using the laundry room, so tomorrow it will have to be unless someone beats me to the laundry room.

I'll give getting milk another try in the morning. I woke up this morning with my hands having tremors. I've been having tremors all day actually. They started last night as I went to bed. I was laying on my side and could feel something moving and realised it was my arm drapped over the pillow that was shaking ever so slightly. Made my shoulders and neck tense up.

Took extra strength tylenol and ibuprofen for the headache. Didn't do much good.  I guess that's what been at the root of the headache I keep waking up to.

I've also got some swelling on my face, The cheek below my left eye feels thick and it hurts when I touch it. So does my left upper arm. Just below the shoulder joint is an area that feels thick and hard, then as I slip my fingers towards my elbow, there's a trench and that hurts like the bejeebers, then back up the other side to the elbow. That section is also painful to the touch. Down my thighs is the same problem and the same for my shins. Although for my shins the rubble there is from being kicked with work boots as a child. Bone never grew right over those spots and it's left me with shins that feel like cobblestones.

My upper back has been nagging me all day. I had to stop gathering the laundry for a while because my lower back decided it didn't want to bend anymore and my hips agreed. Don't you just love it when your body rebels when you're trying to do something and there's diddly you can do to stop it.

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