Friday, October 22, 2010

October 22, 2010

Yesterday, my hips and knees refused to work as they should. Standing up was painful and walking felt like I was using 2x4s instead of my legs. Feet felt thick as well although there was no swelling and still have it today with the added sharp pain where the toes join the foot.

Today, I woke up with a headache and again, feet, hips and knees are at war with the rest of me. My neck and shoulders have jumped sides and joined the rest of the rebels. I'm also feeling like something bad is going to happen although I don't know what. Just that impending doom may come. I have to be careful, these impending doom feelings have always had an accident involving me as a rule.

I had planned on going out for groceries, but I think I'll just stay home today. It's also cold out, 11C. I know, that doesn't sound that cold but it's also windy. 2 things that don't help me one bit.

I wanted to stop by Grand & Toy to get some patterns (knit & crochet) printed out that I need. The memory stick is loaded, so next time I go out I can take it with me. Just won't be today.

I don't feel very safe anymore when I go out alone. What if I fall, what if I'm hit with pain so bad I can't move or pull the bundle buggy up the bus steps. I will have to go to the corner store for milk today but I'm waiting until my husband is awake before I go. That's a 4 block round trip, should be doable...

I wish this insane dry mouth would go away. It gets so bad I can barely speak because my tongue is sticking to the roof of my mouth. Drinking water relieves it for a few minutes and then it's back full force again. Same goes if I suck on a lozenge.

I hate this... all of it! :(

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