Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 25, 2010

Today was scary.

I was at the mall and was supposed to meet my best friend at the fountain and head to the restaurant for lunch. Instead of meeting her at the fountain, I just went straight to the restaurant and then sat there waiting and worrying why she wasn't there. 15 minutes went by, 15 minutes where my anxiety grew to some very uncomfortable levels. I took out my cell phone to call and then it hit me. We were supposed to meet at the fountain! I grabbed my stuff and rushed out hoping she wasn't as frantic as I was. We met halfway, she was just as worried as I was! But we were both safe.

I've never had this happen to me before. I completely forgot we were not meeting at the restaurant! And the panic attack that followed, that was scary too, my heart was racing, my hearing was overly acute and my nerves were on edge. As I walked by a bookstore, someone dropped a book inside. The sound of the book hitting the floor made me jump out of my skin. No one else around me reacted to the sound at all, like it hadn't even happened!
Thankfully, we headed over for our lunch date and had a great time. Next time I'm bringing a pen and writing the location on my hand. That way, I'll be sure to not forget!

She gave me a lift downtown on her way to her appointment. So I could do a bunch of errands all around that area. I had 1 hour and a half to get it all done. But I paid for it the rest of the day. My back has been screaming in pain since this afternoon. My hips, knees and feet are not happy and just for the heck of it, my right shoulder doesn't want to move, period.... Oh and that started today as well which means deluge for the next 5 days and dregs for the next 4 Sheesh! :( it's like I'm a teenager again *9(&&^

I started taking Ibuprofen and Tylenol with codeine to try and offset the headaches I'm waking up with. It's somewhat working but it's creating a problem with the IBS. So now I have to up the dose on those too! It's like a neverending fracking circle! I've been spasming as well the last few days. When I go to bed, it feels like the muscles in my arms, hands and shoulders don't want to stop moving, feels like mini ticking which drives me nuts and doesn't help me sleep in the least.

Ok, enough whining, time to try and get some sleep.

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