Monday, October 18, 2010

October 18, 2010

My intention is to keep a journal of symptoms, flare ups, weird stuff, anything that affects my fibro and what meds or treatments work and what doesn't.

Today, my best friend picked me up and we went downtown. We couldn't have lunch as she was going back home asap since her wee pup had to go to the vets.

I woke up stiff, feeling tired. Woke up twice that I remember to go pee. My fault since I went to bed at 1 am and wanted to get up at 8 to shower and get a few things done before going.

The shower did not feel good. The water temp kept fluctuating between freezing and scalding. And the water hitting my skin hurt as did the puff I use to scrub off the reams of dead skin that seems to come off me like snow.

Last night I took my meds and when I injected my insulin I had to double check that I had actually stabbed myself with the needle since I felt absolutely nothing.

After my friend dropped me off downtown I went to the Dollar store, the deli and the discount clearance center. Picked up a few things there that were cheap. Headed over to get the bus to go to the grocery store and realised I didn't have my shopping list. It was still sitting on the desk! and I couldn't remember what was on it so I came home. I'll have to go tomorrow. I did pick up supper at the persian restaurant since both meals cost a whopping 10$ and it's very tasty and filling. Rice with mung beans, roasted eggplant, chicken and mushrooms in a yogurt sauce and a side salad.

Painwise today has been relatively good. Twinges here and there, a few stabs in my shoulders and one big jab in the back of my head. Feet feel ok and hands aren't stiff for once.

Let's see what tomorrow brings.

On the homefront my darling husband is suffering from kidney pain and also developed a tooth abcess today. Let's hope that goes away quickly. There's no money for a dentist with me not working and hubby unable to work because of debilitating kidney pain. Finding full time work I can do is getting more and more difficult as I find that getting through a regular day at home can be very difficult at times.

I hope the stone passes quickly as well and maybe he can get a few days free of pain. I won't hold my breath on that though since the pain free days are rare around here.

I worry about him, as much as he worries about me. We make a fine pair. Both of us in pain for different reasons.

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