Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 20, 2010

I forgot to add TMJ to the long list. It's added now!

Today I was reminded of it since my jaw started hurting tonight.
With each chew my jaw emits a loud popping sound from both sides. Not fun in a quiet
room believe me :P Sometimes it flares up and it hurts... a lot.

And with the fibro, it means it's hurting that much more. Ice pak will have to be my friend when  I go to bed. Doesn't seem to make any difference what else I do about it. Painkillers are useless or barely take the edge off.

June 2, 2010
Today was a not so good day. Every time I wanted to stand up I'd fall backwards on the first try and then finally stand on the 2nd or 3rd try if I went at it slowly. The muscles of my thighs were not cooperating at all.

I had planned on going to get a few groceries this afternoon. That plan got scrapped when I couldn't trust my legs to work when I needed them. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Going to get some knitting done for a while. Keeps me from thinking about stuff too much especially when I'm hurting and I don't know why I'm hurting. And I'm going to strap an ice pak to my jaw while I'm at it.

My husband thought it was quite funny to see me cooking with an icepak strapped to my jaw back in June. So funny that he took a photo....

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